Five Core WIB Roles

WIB Administration
215 North "D" Street, Suite 301
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0041
Sandy Harmsen, Interim Director
(909) 387-9862

Community Based Electrical and Mechanical Craft Technical Training: A Study in Problem Solving

San Bernardino is the largest county in the contiguous US, with an economy built on a diverse base of industries ranging from international trade to manufacturing. Some manufacturers have experienced challenges in attracting and retaining qualified workers. California Steel Industries Inc. (CSI) was one company which, due in large part to retirement vacancies beginning in the 1990s, found itself in need of highly-trained craftspeople to fill key roles such as welders, machinists, millwrights or heavy-duty mechanics, electricians, electronics technicians and other craftspeople to fill gaps left by a changing workforce. CSI recruited nationwide for these positions, but found the industry offered stiff competition for the few skilled people available. In addition, newly hired workers frequently had a difficult time adjusting to the high living costs and hot climate where CSI is located.

The San Bernardino County WIB worked with CSI to bring together a coalition of companies facing similar issues. Together, they developed a training program to enable their own workers to gain the skills needed and advance within their respective companies.

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