Five Core WIB Roles


"Jane Goodall lived with the chimpanzees... we go out and live with the industry for a while."

Understanding the Nature of Innovation

The South Bay basin has a volatile character, marked by innovation and rapid technological change.

Recognizing the uncommon character of the region, NOVA seeks to understand customer requirements and industry idiosyncrasies within their environment. Like an anthropologist in the field, NOVA infiltrates the economic culture of the region to discover what's important to the people living and working in Silicon Valley, and why.

Via its Workforce Publications program, NOVA procures labor market intelligence in real time by capturing a "snapshot of what's happening in our backyard today and why it's important." While labor market statistics and other quantitative analyses supply valuable information, NOVA seeks history and context. As other agencies provide industry demographics, NOVA hones in on gaps that might translate into opportunities, asking, "Is there information out there that we just don't know about?"

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