Five Core WIB Roles

Anaheim WIB
50 South Anaheim Blvd., Suite 200
Anaheim, CA 92805
Ruben Aceves, Executive Director
(714) 765-4342

Recognizing Opportunity: Anaheim Workforce Investment Board

In Anaheim, California, manufacturing lies at the heart of the city's economic base. While Disneyland colors the regional character and attracts tourists from across the country and around the world, Anaheim's long tradition in manufacturing supports stable, living-wage jobs for a growing, ethnically diverse populace.

The Anaheim Workforce Investment Board (WIB) oversees primary employment services for adults and youth, and regional businesses. In tune with regional workforce dynamics, Anaheim WIB cultivates effective working partnerships and promotes a range of programs and projects for students, job seekers, and incumbent workers.

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