Fostering Special Partnerships fo Accomplish Mutual Objectives
The Anaheim WIB cultivates collaborations with regional WIBs, area colleges, and local industries.
Among its many alliances, the Board nurtures a special partnership with North Orange County
Community College District (NOCCCD).
Housed inside NOCCCD's Training and Development Institute, the Center for Applied Competitive Technologies
(CACT) provides advanced technology training for workers and technical assistance for businesses in the
regional manufacturing industry. Serving mutual clients in the workforce and industry, Anaheim WIB
and CACT share resources and join forces to accomplish mutual goals.
Anaheim WIB and CACT have partnered on Department of Labor grant applications, and
written reciprocal letters of support to attract funding. While CACT serves workers
and industry throughout North Orange County, it distributes WIB materials to companies
countywide. Together, representatives from Anaheim WIB and CACT conduct outreach to regional
firms by visiting forty employers per program year, aligning WIB's assessment capabilities with
CACT's on-the-job-training services. As they team up with private and public organizations to address
industry workforce needs, CACT and WIB merge regional networks, and create county-wide collaborations.