Five Core WIB Roles
Each Center evolved differently because of location and the varying employer partners.


Networking Through Relationships

Welcome Back Centers exist in San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Each center evolved somewhat differently because of geographical location, vision of the local leadership, size of the service area, preexisting relationships with local employers and educational institutions, and staffing needs of the regional health sector. Well-established relationships through the Regional Health Occupations Resource Centers (RHORC) networks helped identify employer partners, particularly in San Diego and Los Angeles. The three centers began within the existing structure of the RHORCs, which had proven track records of success in health workforce development. The RHORCs also had well-established networks that included community colleges and employers. The directors of the RHORCs were essential insiders that knew both the mechanics of the educational institutions and the employer landscape, and early on facilitated important working relationships.

In San Diego local employers were incorporated early on through the center's advisory committee, and helped structure policies and provide in-kind assistance. The large size of the participant pool (even with little outreach) in Los Angeles necessitated a modification in the client flow algorithm to accommodate group orientations. And in San Francisco, the strong existent relationship between City College of San Francisco (a Community College) and San Francisco State University, and institutionalized through Community Health Works, helped pave the way for smooth inter-institutional relationships.

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