Five Core Roles

The WIB as Workforce Analyst

Information about jobs and career pathways, described in accessible ways, is a critical function of the WIB.

WIBs play a key role in collecting and analyzing labor market data for their region. This entails not only finding and using statistical data to paint a picture of the local economy, but turning that data into useful information for educators, policy makers and the business community. Often, statistical information is several years old, so the WIB also takes a proactive role in using its convening role to bring together employers through focus groups and other mechanisms to understand the current and future skill requirements and hiring needs of key industries. Understanding and disseminating information about trends in employment can be valuable to One-Stop Career Centers, community colleges, and schools.

Mapping the gaps between the needs of the economy and the current delivery system is also a key function of the WIB. Many WIBs initiate asset mapping in their communities, to provide information about the services that are available. They also scan their region to learn about the potential mismatches between the skills required and the current workforce, or the education and training needed by residents and the actual offerings.

Information about jobs and career pathways, described in accessible ways for students and job seekers is also a critical function of the WIB. Often, employers can't see the career pathways within their industry, and the WIB works with tools to map occupations and skill requirements in ways that can be used by both people who want to enter a field, and incumbent workers who want to progress in their careers.

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