The Anaheim WIB was awarded a Rapid Response Special Project grant by the State of California
to identify strategies for averting layoffs in the region. The Board elicited the Orange County
Business Council to develop and conduct a survey of regional firms, while North Orange County
College assembled, printed and bound the finished Layoff Aversion Study. Anaheim's Economic
Development Committee hosted the Layoff Aversion Study Forum where job seekers, members of the business
community, area educators, and other local officials explored the study's ramifications.
For their 2005 Layoff Aversion Study, Anaheim WIB and their partners employed
a qualitative approach to gathering labor market information whereby the Board gleaned
valuable insights directly from Anaheim employers. Of the 90 firms surveyed, 56% reported
layoffs within the last three years. The study found that most layoffs were the result of
structural expansion and contraction of firms, while only 4% of were due to businesses relocating
out of state. Survey responses indicated that current training programs and local workforce skills
are relevant to industry needs. The study also uncovered areas where the Anaheim WIB could intervene.
For example, the majority of companies surveyed indicated that they did not hire applicants who did not
speak English.