Digital age literacy is not a static skill set, but a set of skills to be
continually developed.
Staying Competitive:
The Bottom Line
California's industries need workers with specific skill sets, and when these skills aren't
readily available in the workforce, industries often devise solutions to produce them (e.g.
the case study of the
San Bernardino WIB). But the underlying strength of the workforce lies in its ability
to continually learn and adapt. Workers need to be learning, but they also need to be
learning how to learn.
WIBs can provide focus to this process. As
conveners, they can bring together the disparate institutions and programs necessary to
foster effective learning programs and environments. As analysts,
they can collect regional workforce data and make information from state and national
sources accessible to local industries. WIBs are in unique positions to
broker arrangements between companies,
higher education institutions, government and non-profit organizations to most effectively
develop these core skill sets, meeting the immediate needs of local industries while
laying the groundwork for potential changes in the future. WIBs can bring this message
home as the community voice,
educating the public, industries, and political leaders alike as to the best way to
support and enhance the local workforce. And their efforts can bring a coherent strategy to
building capacity, enabling regions
to better provide for their own workforce needs, lessening the need for industries to look
elsewhere for recruiting or even outsourcing.
In pursuing these goals, California's WIBs their partners will be aligning themselves with
the state's strong cultural history of science, innovation, and entrepreneurship.